I was very excited when my friend and very talented fiddle player, Lauren MacColl phoned and asked if I'd like to do a drawing for her new solo album, 'Landskein'. It really is a treat to work on projects that combine art and music - I see them as one of the same thing, working seemlessly together.To begin with, Lauren, without being too descriptive, mentioned what type of thing she'd like for the artwork, and I got an early listen to what is a stunning album. The music instantly inspired me to get my tools at the ready.I firstly got some strong white paper and made an outline for several drawings to 3 page cd digipack scale! Packing a rucksack full of pencils, pens, watercolours, charcoal, and acrylics, I set off out to draw. During the first session I just allowed myself to play around with no real purpose. Just enjoying the tools, making marks with no pressure to produce anything final.
Towards the end of the session I did start to see what could work and I decided that the simple, less busy yet confident lines, would be a good approach.After a couple of sessions using this process, I finished some pieces that I was really happy with. I sent these to Lauren as initial ideas to check I was on the right path. (Having the confidence to create work in the first place is one thing and creating work for someone else can be an extra nerve wracking challenge!) Lauren replied immediately saying they were exactly the right thing! Hurray!Two of these drawings are now on the final album cover! You can buy the album and there's also a limited edition print of my artwork available from Lauren's website.
Having enjoyed making these so much, I have decided to create a 'landskein' series of work. Below are some of the originals that are now for sale. They are £70 plus postage and packaging. Please email me directly at if you are interested in purchasing an original landskein piece.Thanks for reading! Mairearad x