A Day A Month

Myself and Mike Vass have been playing music together in various projects over the years and we started a few years ago trying to meet up one day a month to write music together. This worked well some months but unfortunately we both have pretty busy schedules. Often with the best of intentions we didn’t always manage to meet but the motivation was always there none the less! When we did manage to meet it was a great opportunity to compose music with no impending deadlines, to try things out and just enjoy the creative process. We ended up writing some quite unsual pieces which you can check out on our soundcloud page here!In December 2016 Mike phoned me up and casually said, “would you like to record a box and fiddle album in 2 days!?” Of course, I was extrememly excited by this challenge and said yes straight away. With some days pre-production and researching material to use for the album, we did in fact manage to record the album in 2 days! We used all Scottish traditional melodies sourced from books such as “The Gesto Collection” and “The Athole Collection.” It was so enjoyable to play through so many of these old tunes and discover some real beauties and also some hilarious tune titles!We recorded the album with Mike’s gear up at The Croft House in Achnahaird. Given that we weren’t that familiar with the music, it was a challenge to perform it live. The final result is certainly not perfect but there is something captured that a polished studio recording would struggle achieve. A home grown project from the start and I am quite proud with my first go at using photoshop for the cover design also!Neither of us have ever done a crowdfunding thing before but it is an expensive business to release an album and it would be fantastic to get your support for this project.  Please visit our page hereWe will be releasing the album in September 2017 and are delighted to be performing the material for the first time at The Ceilidh Place in Ullapool, 7 Sept | Inverie Village Hall in Knoydart,  8 Sept |Folklub in Glasgow, 13 Sept | Colonsay Folk Festival, 14 Sept. Quite honestly looking forward to the holiday!Thanks for taking the time to read this blog.SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave


The Ullapool Way


The Making of my Summer Isles Album #11